The application period for the 2025 grants offered by the Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East is 14.1.–10.2.2025.
Travel Grants for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Research Trips
The Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East awards travel grants for research of and research-related trips to the Middle East. Grants can be applied for by Finnish citizens or researchers and PhD students working in Finland. As a rule, grants are not awarded to undergraduate students or for conference trips. The grant must be used during 2025. When evaluating applications, a long-term stay in the area is considered an advantage.
The application period ends on February 10, 2025 at 4 p.m.
Apply here (link)
Grants for Arabic Language Courses
The Foundation announces grants for at least a month’s study of the Arabic language in the Middle East. The grant is only awarded to cover course fees, and undergraduate students can also apply for it. When evaluating applications, priority is given to Finnish or Finland-based applicants with advanced Arabic skills and university students. When evaluating applications, long-term courses are preferred.
The application period ends on February 10, 2025 at 4 p.m.
Apply here (link)
Friends of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East 2025 pro gradu stipend
The Friends of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East calls for applications for a pro gradu stipend of €600 for students completing their master’s degree. The stipend is intended for research focused on the Middle East or carried out at the Finnish Institute in the Middle East, and can be used, for example, for a trip to acquire material related to the master’s thesis or for living expenses during the writing of the thesis.
The recipient of the stipend is required to submit a summary of their completed master’s thesis to the association’s website. The stipend recipient is also expected to give a short presentation related to the topic of their work at one of the association’s public events. More information:
The application period ends on February 10, 2025 at 4 p.m.
Apply here (link)
Previous grants
Anniversary Scholarship
The Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East announces a 30th anniversary scholarship open for applications from 17.12.2024 to 8.1.2025. The grant is intended primarily for Finnish or Finland-based Master’s students and supports research related to the Middle East. The grant is awarded to individuals and can be applied for and received e.g. for research in the Middle East and research-related travel, and research of the Middle East. The grant is approx. 2000 euros.
The application period has closed at 4 PM (UTC+2) on January 8, 2025.
Aimo T. Nikolainen Grant for Ecumenical Research
In 2024, FIME awards the Aimo T. Nikolainen Grant for Ecumenical Research (3300 €) on behalf of the Ordo Sancti Constantini Magni of Finland to a Finnish researcher or a researcher active in Finland.
The next application period will be in 2026.
For more information, please contact the Foundation’s Executive Officer Anu Leinonen by e-mail ( Also see instructions to grant recipients. You can find the privacy notice for grant applications here.
Grant recipients will be notified personally. The grant recipients will also be announced on this website in April 2025.