Privacy notice: applicants


Purpose of collecting and processing information: Processing data on employment applications and applicants to the Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. 

Categories of data subjects: Applicants for employment. 

Description of personal data categories: Name, birthdate, social security number, address, telephone number and email address; education, work history, publications and other skills; description on skills and suitability for the work submitted by the applicant; names, positions and contact information of the referees spontaneously submitted by the applicant; other information spontaneously submitted by the applicant such as information on hobbies, positions of responsibility, life situation etc.; possible summaries on the applicants written by the employees participating in the recruitment process and possible summaries on the statements of the referees named by the applicant; and results of the possible personal and suitability assessment. 

Recipient categories of data: Employees of the foundation who participate in the recruitment process, and the members of the board of the foundation. 

Processing of the data: All personal data is processed with care, and data in electronic systems is protected with necessary means. When storing data on online servers, the physical and electronic security of the hardware is protected with necessary means. The stored data, access to the server, and other critical personal data is handled as confidential and only by those employees and board members who participate in the process.  

Storage period or criteria used to determine the storage period of the data: Names of the applicants may be stored indefinitely (in proceedings of the board of the foundation). Applications are stored for two years counting from the end of the recruitment process.  

Contact information:    

Suomen Lähi-idän instituutin säätiö sr   
Kalliolinnantie 4   
00140 Helsinki   

Anu Leinonen  